
Special Counsel Unleashes On Biden Family In Scathing Final Report


In a bombshell report released Monday night, Department of Justice Special Counsel David Weiss detailed the findings of his investigation into allegations of criminal conduct involving Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. The report, submitted to Attorney General Merrick Garland, provided a scathing account of Hunter Biden’s tax evasion, firearms offenses, and questionable business dealings over an eleven-year period. Weiss, appointed as Special Counsel in 2023, meticulously investigated Hunter Biden’s financial and legal conduct. The report highlights two cases in which Hunter Biden faced prosecution and subsequent convictions—one for failing to pay taxes and another for illegally possessing a firearm while addicted to drugs.

However, any further prosecution was rendered moot after President Biden granted a sweeping pardon to his son on December 1, 2024, just days before Hunter was scheduled to be sentenced. The pardon has shielded Hunter Biden from additional legal jeopardy and garnered criticism from Weiss. In his report, the Special Counsel said, “The President’s characterizations are incorrect based on the facts in this case, and, on a more fundamental level, they are wrong.” Weiss went so far as to accuse the President of politicizing the justice system.

“Other presidents have pardoned family members, but in doing so, none have taken the occasion as an opportunity to malign the public servants at the Department of Justice based solely on false accusations,” the report stated. “These prosecutions were the culmination of thorough, impartial investigations, not partisan politics. Eight judges across numerous courts have rejected claims that they were the result of selective or vindictive motives. Calling those rulings into question and injecting partisanship into the independent administration of the law undermines the very foundation of what makes America’s justice system fair and equitable. It erodes public confidence in an institution that is essential to preserving the rule of law.”

The report paints a picture of repeated and deliberate misconduct by Hunter Biden, including a four-year tax evasion scheme in which he failed to pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes despite earning over $7 million during that time. Weiss underscored that the tax crimes were not mere oversights but calculated efforts to evade payment, including falsely claiming personal expenses—such as clothing and escort services—as business deductions. Equally damning are revelations about Hunter Biden’s 2018 firearm purchase, during which he lied on a federal background check form by denying his drug use.

Weiss also dove into concerns about the Biden family’s business dealings, though his report stops short of making additional criminal referrals due to the pardon. He did, however, note the troubling implications of Hunter Biden leveraging his family name to secure lucrative positions, including a board seat with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. Weiss concluded his report by defending the integrity of his investigation against accusations of bias. “Regardless of whether Congressional Republicans attempted to influence the Executive Branch, there is no evidence that they were successful in doing so and, in any event, the Executive Branch prosecuting Defendant was at all relevant times (and still is) headed by Defendant’s father,” Weiss wrote.


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