
Democrats Furious, File Complaint Against Speaker Johnson Over Pastor’s Prayer


Looks like Democrats and the media are once again in lockstep.

Their target this time is Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.

He’s a “hate preacher” apparently.

As we all know, whenever they call someone a slur with the term ‘hate’ attached, that simply means that person is doing something they hate.

So when the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson invited Pastor Hibbs to pray in Congress, that was the last straw for these Democrats!

If it was someone from the Church of Satan praising Lucifer, no problem.

But a pastor that believes the Bible that enters their ‘special area’ and prays in Jesus’ name.

So they’ve filed a complaint with Speaker Johnson.

WND reports:

A coalition of Democrats in the U.S. House, led by self-proclaimed atheist Rep. Jared Huffman, has written to Speaker Mike Johnson to express members’ rage over a Christian pastor’s recent House invocation, and to express their intolerance for his views.

It was Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills who had been invited to deliver the invocation and, as a Christian, spoke of a “coming day of judgment.”

Democrats responded by claiming Hibbs is “radical Christian Nationalist who helped fuel the January 6th insurrection and [who] has a long record of hateful vitriol toward non-Christians, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ community.”

The report explained the Democrats told Johnson, who had invited Hibbs, that Hibbs’ reference to “national sins” offended them.

They claimed that the reference was actually a link to “the militant and fanatical agenda [Hibbs} preaches about the LGBTQ+ community, Jews, Muslims, and anyone who conflicts with his ‘biblical worldview.’”

They’re still trying to link Christian ideology to “hate” and “January 6!”

Seems like constant projecting from the Left as they’re the ones that are always spewing hate towards Christians.

It’s all so tiring.

MSN points out:

In a video posted to his YouTube channel this spring, Hibbs called transgender people part of a “sexually perverted cult.” He is also a supporter of conversion therapy for LGBTQ people and launched a national campaign requiring schools to out transgender students to defeat “demonic and dark satanic powers.”


I like him already.

And here’s what the Washington Times says:

In their letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson, who invited the evangelical leader to offer the prayer, Democrats cite a particular reference to “national sins” that is part of Mr. Hibbs’ 257-word invocation. Lawmakers say the “sins” reference is an allusion “to the militant and fanatical agenda [Mr. Hibbs] preaches about the LGBTQ+ community, Jews, Muslims, and anyone who conflicts with his ‘biblical worldview.’”

The California megachurch pastor has been targeted for years by LGBTQ+ activists and media for his high-profile opposition to gay marriage and transgenderism.

Hey, he teaches at a megachurch?

I thought megachurches were evil?

Just goes to show that the spiritual condition of a church isn’t defined by the quantity of members that attend.

According to a published transcript of the Jan. 30 invocation, that key passage cited by Democrats reads: “Hear my cry in this hour of great need that we might be humbly blessed before You in repentance of our national sins.”

The objectors noted Mr. Hibbs is not a resident of Mr. Johnson’s district, which the letter claims “makes a mockery” of the chamber’s guidelines for inviting guest chaplains. They also wrote that Rep. Mark Pocan, Wisconsin Democrat, has been unsuccessful in attempting to invite “Nontheistic Chaplain Dan Barker,” who heads the Freedom From Religion Foundation, as a guest chaplain.

Seems like someone is flying over the target.

Here’s the prayer that the Democrats hate:

Notice our enemy easily expresses their intolerance of us and our views.

Perhaps if we had been equally intolerant of their ways, decades ago, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Reminds me of a quote, “Neither can live while the other survives.”


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