
VIP Elite Panic After REAL Epstein List Has Been Leaked On The Dark Web


Because the allegations and implications are so serious, there has been a tremendous deal of debate surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s life and alleged demise.

Those implications pose a threat to shatter our perceptions of powerful people, such as presidents, senior lawmakers, and those in charge of our businesses and nations. According to the standards of our systems, these individuals would be criminals engaged in grievous and implacable crimes against humanity.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the elite are big on satanism and paedophilia. They all have the dirt on each other and will do anything to protect those within their ranks.

But, you are wasting your time if you keep up with the mainstream media’s coverage of legal proceedings and hope that they would reveal accurate information on Epstein’s VIP elite clients. This information will never be made public by the mainstream media. Their current reality would end as a result. The corrupt system as a whole would be brought down from within.

Yet the truth will eventually surface. Just keep looking in the right spot, that’s all. We are unable to forget or forgive after the knowledge is revealed.

What do we know so far? We know that Jeffrey Epstein was close friend of former president Bill Clinton and best friend of Queen Elizabeth’s favorite son, Prince Andrew. These two reprobates were so desperate to spend as much time as possible with Epstein that they left a trail of evidence that fact checkers, who are experts in making scandals go away for the elite, haven’t been able to cover up the evidence.

Hunter Biden, son of Creepy Joe Biden, is another reprobate who has left a trail of evidence about his predilections, mostly involving crack cocaine, prostitution and incest. But the media is engaged in a huge cover up when it comes to the extent of the darkness on Hunter’s laptop from hell.

After Hunter Biden’s laptop emails were leaked before the last election, internet sleuths discovered evidence of yet more pizza-related pedophile “code words” being used in emails which reference both Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

In 2016 we learned of how pedophile code words were used in email exchanges, leaked by Wikileaks, between Hillary Clinton and her campaign chair John Podesta.

Now it seems Hunter Biden was also involved in the scandal. In an email (archived here) dated 30th March, 2016, Hunter’s business partner Eric Scherwin sent him an invite to a pizza party involving Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong.

The email had the subject line “Putala for Hillary”. Interestingly Putala means “an effigy of sin.”

But Hunter Biden, the Clintons and Prince Andrew are just the tip of a giant iceberg big enough to sink the entire corrupt system controlled by the global elite.

Epstein’s exploits are currently the subject of an extreme cover up by the courts and the powers that be, however we know for a fact that, like Jimmy Savile, Epstein was a supplier of children to the HIGHEST of high society in the US and Europe, with Presidents, CEOs, and Royalty all involved in his elite pedophile ring.

Questions have been raised about Bill Clinton’s role in Jeffrey Epstein’s elite pedophile ring operation after leaked visitor logs reveal that Epstein visited the White House at least 17 times during his presidency.

Epstein – who with his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell, trafficked children to be raped by politicians, businessmen and royalty – visited Bill Clinton at the Executive Mansion over the course of three years. The Clintons didn’t waste any time bringing Epstein into the inner sanctum. The first invitation came just one month after Clinton’s inauguration in January 1993.

Talk about priorities.

The logs show Epstein showing up on 14 separate days, even making two mysterious visits in a single day on three different occasions.

The disclosure puts renewed scrutiny on Clinton’s friendship with Epstein, who was known to have flown the former president on his private jet – known as the ‘Lolita Express’ – dozens of times after he left office, with those close to Epstein issuing horrific reports of Clinton’s behavior on these trips.

So is there any truth to the allegations? Mainstream media has been operating as a branch of the Democrat Party’s PR department for years now, so there is no point listening to them about anything. But there was a time in the past when the occasional nugget of truth would be allowed to slip out between the wall-to-wall propaganda.

Take, for instance, this NBC news report that Hillary Clinton, while she was Obama’s secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in the State Department. According to the report presented by Chuck Todd, Clinton shut down the investigation in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials.

NBC even provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of the Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up.

The NBC News report is disturbing enough, but what happened after NBC broadcast news of the Clinton “cover up” is perhaps even more disturbing.

The network deleted the footage and social media networks blacklisted the video from their platforms. Chuck Todd, who presented the report, has refused thousands of requests for comment. Nobody at NBC or the mainstream media wants to acknowledge the report even went to air.

And it gets even worse. Fact checkers including Politifact and and have been employed to deny the undeniable, claiming as one that NBC did not report that Hillary Clinton “covered up” evidence of a pedophile ring in the State Department.

Breathtaking. And the fact check from is even more shameless. Claiming that NBC did not say Hillary Clinton was involved in the cover up. Shameless.

How convenient for Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile clients that the powers that be continue to protect them from scrutiny. In future generations, Prince Andrew’s close friendship with Jeffrey Epstein will probably be airbrushed from history by Big Media, with those who remember the facts derided as conspiracy loons.

Unfortunately for the fact checkers, there are plenty of real, living people in the world who won’t forget or forgive.

The fact is child predators disguised as political leaders and philanthropic organizations are coming for our children and mainstream media — and fact checkers — are covering up their crimes.

How far are you willing to let them go before you draw a line in the sand and say, “this far, no further!”?

But make no mistake, attempting to expose the elite and their evil agenda is a dangerous game. Take the story of FBI Chief Ted Gunderson, for example.

FBI Directors in recent times have been establishment figures who go to great lengths to protect the elite and suppress the truth. Think about James Comey, who twisted himself in knots to protect Hillary Clinton from prosecution, and Robert Mueller and his “Russian collusion” witch hunt.

So it probably comes as a great surprise to learn that FBI chiefs weren’t always Deep State goons.

What if I told you there was an FBI chief who, before his death in 2011, blew the whistle on Satanism in the CIA, the Illuminati, elite pedophile rings, and more, and who took his message directly to the people – before he was cruelly cut down before his time?

Meet Ted Gunderson, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI.

Gunderson is the OG of elite pedophile ring whistleblowers. He was instrumental in exposing the Franklin Cover-Up, involving government drug smuggling, money laundering, child kidnapping and recruiting young boys from orphanages in the Midwest for sex with U.S. Congressmen.

After his decorated career with the bureau, Gunderson retired and began giving presentations across the country, speaking directly to the people. This is when things became really interesting.

These mind-blowing presentations introduced thousands of people to the reality of what was going on behind the scenes in the corridors of power. The former FBI chief is responsible for opening thousands of minds, educating ordinary people about false flag terrorism, satanic ritual abuse, MK Ultra mind control and chemtrails.

Unsurprisingly, Gunderson died suddenly and unexpectedly not long after he began blowing the whistle on the darkest secrets of the elite. There are many people close to Gunderson who say he was killed by the elite to shut him up.

Isaac Kappy, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Avicii and Anthony Bourdain were all high-profile figures who vowed to expose powerful entertainment industry pedophile rings. They all suffered the same fate as Gunderson, cut down before their time.

More recently Anne Heche, who was working on a film exposing Hollywood child trafficking, was killed in a bizarre car accident that has left investigators baffled. Likewise, Coolio, who passed away just last year, had recently gone on record declaring that pedophiles control the entertainment industry, and he considered it his duty to kill them.

As Jefferson said, all tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.


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