
All Eyes on Nancy Pelosi as Dems Want Biden Gone By the End of the Week


The desperation from Democrats regarding Joe Biden is going into overdrive, and a final answer regarding his political future could come this week with the push of one particularly influential individual.

Axios on Sunday dropped an explosive report that a fast-growing number of Democrats are begging and plotting an intervention as Dementia Joe refuses to quit the Presidental race. They want everyone from the Obamas to congressional leaders to persuade Biden to drop out by this Friday.

Top Democrats want Biden out by then because they hope he will endorse Harris as his successor and help ward off an all-out brawl at the Democratic Convention in Chicago for the nomination.

Axios reports:

If Biden were to endorse Vice President Harris as the nominee, she’d need time to ramp up and pick a running mate. And if Biden didn’t anoint, there’d be a frenzy among governors and ambitious Democrats to try to win the nomination at the Democratic convention in Chicago in mid-August.

“The sh*t is going to hit the fan on Monday when Congress returns,” a House Democrat told Axios. “People are scared about their own races. But they’re also worried about the country, and about democracy.”

Several House members are reportedly close to speaking out publicly or signing letters telling Biden to give up. According to the outlet, these conversations will heat up this week.

A top Democrat operative told Axios that the only person oblivious to Biden’s perilous political position is Biden himself.

Indeed, Sunday’s Washington Post reveals that an adviser to big-monied Dem donors is saying that “for every 10 people who think he should exit, one thinks he should stay.” The story also notes that people who are “publicly vouching for Biden, at the behest of the White House and campaign, privately say there’s no path.”

The news is also breaking through outside the Beltway bubble. One swing-state national lawmaker told Axios that the only thing constituents wanted to discuss during a monthly forum generally focused on local issues was Biden’s age.

Axios notes that all eyes are on former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who has the stature to tell Biden to pack things up.

Pelosi had a sudden flip-flop last week on Biden’s mental acuity after previously dismissing concerns. She told MSNBC on Tuesday it was a fair question whether his performance at the debate was a one-off or a sign of a more significant health issues.

“I think it’s a legitimate question to say, ‘Is this an episode or is this a condition?’ And so when people ask that question, it’s legitimate, of both candidates,” Pelosi said.


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