
Anonymous Airline Pilot Exposes Chemtrail Operation In The U.K.


In a recent interview with Drake Michigan host Ant Critchley, an anonymous airline pilot of 34 years spoke about a government chemtrail operation in the United Kingdom. He claims the operation imports transporter aircraft from the U.S. and utilizes multiple shell companies to profit from clandestine experiments in the skies.

Article by Lance D. Johnson, republished with permission from

The anonymous pilot has flown more than 26 different aircraft types and has worked for the military and on commercial airlines. He once considered chemtrails to be conspiracy theory, but recent experiences have changed his views.

After a detailed investigation, he claims the chemtrailing aircraft operate out of Newquay, Southampton, Stansted, Teesside, Prestwick and Liverpool airports, and spray chemtrails across Cornwall, a county in South West England, as well as the cities of London, Birmingham, Glasgow and Manchester.

The anonymous pilot was first made aware of chemtrails years ago when a first officer brought the matter of geoengineering and weather modification to his attention. At the time, chemtrails sounded like conspiracy theory, but about three years ago, those theories became reality when he took a closer look into a low-flying plane that was leaving behind suspect trails that couldn’t scientifically be contrails. At a meeting with friends in the country, the pilot noticed lines in the sky that ran north to south. The lines were approximately 10 miles long, with 13 shorter two- or three-mile-long lines that traversed one another. The lines stayed for about 40 minutes, creating a squiggly grid of sorts.

The now suspicious pilot contacted one of his colleagues at the local airport. The colleague had access to a surveillance/tracking software called an Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B). This system relies on aircraft and airport vehicles to broadcast their identity, position and other relevant information from their onboard system. The pilot asked his colleague to identify a potential aeroplane that was flying over the airport at around 12,000 – 13,000 feet, while “doing squiggly lines.” The colleague could not confirm an aeroplane at that altitude, but did identify one at 10,000 feet. Confirming this elevation is important because it determines the difference between the formation of contrails and chemtrails.

Knowing the difference between a contrail and a chemical trail

Contrails, which are essentially just water vapor ice crystals, can only form at about 28,000 feet and at just the right humidity. For every one thousand feet of elevation, the temperature drops about 2 degrees Celsius. At about 37,000 feet, the temperature can be minus 63 degrees Celsius. At about 28,000 feet, the ice crystals form those long-lasting contrails that hover across the sky.

For contrails to form, the humidity of the air also plays a key role. “As the temperature decreases, the parcel of air is less able to hold water vapor [or] water moisture,” the pilot said. At 30,000 odd feet and flying in a dry parcel of air, “I can look in my rear-view camera and I see absolutely nothing coming out of the back of my engines,” the pilot said. “But then I can fly along … and get a little bit of turbulence, just for a split second, and I look at my temperature gauge and it was minus 63 and it’s now minus 64 … I now look back into my camera and I see that I’m contrailing.”

Chemical trails, on the other hand, are dispersed from transport planes at around 10,000 and 12,000 feet. If a plane is flying at this elevation, there should be no contrails or any visible sign of water vapor. However, the plane identified on that day was able to make suspicious grid patterns out of a substance that was coming from the plane, and the obvious spraying was taking place at an elevation not conducive for contrails to form. Moreover, the spraying could not have been part of an operation to cleanup oil spills, which was what the planes were licensed for.

Upon further investigation of that suspect aeroplane, it was found to be registered with a British company named 2Excel Aviation Broadsword. The company brought over two Boeing 727s (cargo planes) from the U.S. Today, these planes are registered to traverse waterways and spray detergents on oil spills. However, these planes are doing much more than that. For more on the investigation, watch the interview with Drake Michigan on Rumble.


Chemtrails Exposed: Poison In The Sky Above You!

We cover the truth here at WLTReport and we follow that truth wherever it takes us.

One such place is the skies directly above us.

So many people are so oblivious to what’s happening in the sky above them that it’s truly stunning.

One of my favorite things to do on a day of heavy chemtrails spraying is to just ask people “hey, what do you think that is? as I point up to the checkerboard criss-cross pattern of white trails in the sky above.

I usually get a blank stare back, so I usually have to clarify with some follow up questions, like: “yes, those long white lines, what do you think those are?  Do you think those are clouds?”

It’s so fun to watch the responses.

I would say MOST people have never even considered it.

A good number of people have probably never known any different.

They’ve never seen a totally blue sky with only clouds and no chemtrails.

And that’s what the “Elites” are banking on.

Within one generation, no one will even think this is strange….they’ll just think that’s how the sky looks, never giving it a second thought.

So that’s why I ask the question.

It’s also why I created  (more on that in a minute)

So I ask people what they think they are, and most people are truly dumbfounded.

You can see them realize quickly that they’re not clouds, but beyond that the look of confusion sets in.

“Airplanes” is the most common answer, with the most “sophisticated” (or so they think) people saying “those are just contrails”.

Contrails ARE real….but they aren’t what you see lingering in the sky for hours on end.

Quick lesson — Contrails vs. Chemtrails:

Contrails dissipate quickly.


I remember as a kid (before the Internet, when you would read cereal boxes at breakfast to stay entertained) looking up at the sky on a blue sky summer day and watching one plane fly across.

I remember putting my finger up and measuring how fast the contrail dissipated.

Totally normal.

Those are contrails.

No spraying, no chemicals — just water vapor from the jet engines as the plane briefly disrupts the sky.

But the white trail that doesn’t dissipate but hangs in the sky for a long period of time, and which just so happens to almost always be flown in a checkerboard crosshatch pattern?

THOSE, my friends, are chemtrails and they look like this:

Almost always a crosshatch pattern or an “X” pattern.

I assume it’s for maximum coverage.

It’s usually at this point in the conversation that the Cognitive Dissonance starts to kick in — and it usually kicks in HARD!

“Why would they do that?”

“They would never do that!”

“That’s just a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory!”

In a word?  LOL.

Literally poison being sprayed in the sky above you for all to see and you can’t trust your own eyes because the Cognitive Dissonance is so strong.

But you do know the CIA has long since admitted it, right?


Watch here:

As with everything, they just give it a slightly different name.

So it’s not “baby killing” it’s “family planning” or “a woman’s choice”.

And it’s definitely not “child mutilation” it’s “gender affirming care”.

See how they do it?

So they actually talk about chemtrails all the time, you just have to know the words.

It’s not “chemtrails” it’s “geoeengineering” or “cloud seeding” or “weather modification” or “atmospheric aerosol injections”:

So my mission is to wake people up.

It’s why I created  — the largest database of chemtrails on the Internet!

Here is our map:

Please visit our Homepage here at to add your chemtrails photos!

And visit our Map page here to add your pushpin!

Our goal is to have a pushpin in every country in the world.

Will you please add yours?

Now let’s keep diving deeper….

Chemtrails Confirmed: They’re Real and Very Dangerous!

I’ve been covering chemtrails for a long time on this channel.

Many, many people have woken up as a direct result of our coverage.

More on that below.

In what used to be maybe a 50/50 response, I’d say we’re now closer to 75% who have taken the red pill and are pissed off at what’s happening in the skies above them.

But we still have maybe 25% of the people who refuse to admit it.

Most of that is cognitive dissonance.

It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.


Because then they’ve played the fool for years or even decades.

Much easier to stick your head in the sand, stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and say “I SEE NOTHING!”

Well, sorry that doesn’t work for me.

It may be a bitter pill to swallow…

You may not like it…

It might piss you off….

But we need to have a mass awakening.

So for all the holdouts, all I can tell you is watch this video.

It shows all the patents they’ve been granted.

It shows close up the planes turning on and off the sprayers in mid flight.

It goes deep into the science and shows the heavy levels of the particulate found in our air.

It’s all in here.

One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen.

I know we’ll wake up a bunch of new people with this one.

I also know there will still be a few people like this, even in spite of video evidence:

And to those people I remind you of this quote:

“There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance – That principle is contempt prior to investigation.”

Watch here:

I could use your help…

I’ve started a new website called and it’s quickly becoming the largest database of Chemtrails on the Internet!

Check out some of the recent posts, these will make your blood boil…

Chemtrails ALL over the world!


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