
Fetterman Was Just Hospitalized… Is This The “Plot” Dr. Oz Warned About During The Campaign?


PA Senator John Fetterman was just hospitalized. Obviously, we’re not left-wing ghouls, so we wish him well, and hope whatever is wrong, can be fixed and he can get back to doing whatever it is he does every day.

Let’s face it, the man isn’t well. Anybody who even paid half a second of attention to the 2022 campaign could see that. Sadly, Mr. Fetterman makes Joe Biden seem like he’s on his a-game, and that’s not his fault, the man suffered and survived a horrific stroke. So, that’s why his hospitalization is concerning, and we pray he’s okay.

But this also brings up a “prophecy” that former GOP candiate Dr.Oz mentioned while he was on the campaign trail. He claimed that the plan all along was to use the well-know and popular Fertterman to win the PA Senate seat, so his lesser known, less popular wife could fill it when he steps down due to his poor health.

Basically, he said it was a clever “switcheroo” plot that Dems hatched when they realized Fetterman wouldn’t be able to serve in the Senate.

Biden may have slipped up and mentioned the plan during a campaign event with Fetterman. I wrote about this back in October of 2022:

While Joe was there, he got confused again and thought Fetterman’s wife would be serving in the Senate.

Good God…But wait, there’s more to this story…

The Daily Wire reported that Joe Biden mistakenly told Gisele Fetterman — the wife of U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman (D-PA) — that she was going to be a “great lady in the Senate.”

Biden made an appearance in the Keystone State on Fetterman’s behalf Thursday, and he paused to offer accolades and thanks to several of the Democratic elected officials and candidates who joined them on the campaign stop.

“Lieutenant Governor,” Biden paused briefly as someone off-mic apparently spoke to him. “I was saying something nice about you … that’s why I went out. And no — but I’m saying we’re going to try like the devil, I’m going to keep you from having to — not having to deciding to leave, I wish you didn’t.”

“And John,” Biden continued, turning his attention to Fetterman. “Thank you very much for running, I really do appreciate it. And Gisele, you’re gonna — gonna be a great — a great lady in the Senate.”

Biden’s remarks come on the heels of a number of question marks surrounding the health and capabilities of Fetterman following a stroke earlier this year.

In the weeks and months since, the candidate has reportedly struggled with auditory processing — despite claims from his campaign that he has no cognitive issues — leading to his use of a laptop during an interview with NBC.

Fetterman’s wife Gisele has subsequently been labeled “more than a surrogate” as she has stepped into a more active role in her husband’s tight race against Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz, and some have even wondered whether she could take his place in office if he were to find himself unable to perform his duties once elected.

Rolling Stone even referred to Gisele Fetterman as “the de facto candidate” in a recent profile.

This was the video I was talking about:

Well, see how this plays out, my sincere hope is that John is released and all is well with him.

But honestly, I think it’s only a matter of time before this very unhealthy man steps down and “somebody” takes over…


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