
Maria Bartiromo Absolutely Destroys Rep. Debbie Dingell


Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo put Democratic Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell in a pretzel, getting the Congresswoman to admit she “doesn’t have all the facts” on the Hunter Biden laptop during a Thursday interview.

The pair were sparring over former President Trump’s Manhattan conviction for violating campaign finance laws when Bartiromo asked Dingell about any potential similarities between the Hunter Biden laptop controversy and the Trump trial.

“Do you see any similarity to the 51 intelligence officials who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop right before the 2020 election? Calling it Russian disinformation?” the host asked.

“We have a problem on all sides with Russian disinformation, so I’m never gonna downplay, I think we have real problems,” Dingell replied.

“But specifically the Hunter Biden laptop was real. They signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. Is that a similar situation to what President Trump was just convicted of?”

Dingell seemed to not even understand the difference between Hunter Biden‘s latest conviction on gun charges and his laptop controversy.

“Hunter Biden was in a court and convicted …” Dingell began.

“No, that was gun charges, that was a very separate situation, different situation. I’m talking about the Hunter Biden laptop, right before the 2020 election. 51 intelligence officials signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. They hid the truth before the election, is that similar to what Trump was just charged with?” Bartiromo asked

“You know, there’s an investigation going into that laptop,” Dingell replied.

“Is there?” Bartiromo asked.

“I don’t have the facts. I think you’re going to hear a lot more about the laptop in the coming months, I’m not privy, Maria, about what was on there and what wasn’t,” Dingell responded.

Bartiromo continued to press her, asking if the details surrounding the case regarding Trump’s involvement in a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels were similar to intel officials covering up the Hunter Biden laptop.

“First of all, I don’t have all the facts, so I’m careful,” Dingell responded.

“I’m sorry?” Bartiromo asked incredulously.

Bartiromo continued to press her, asking if the details surrounding the case regarding Trump’s involvement in a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels were similar to intel officials covering up the Hunter Biden laptop.

“First of all, I don’t have all the facts, so I’m careful,” Dingell responded.

“I’m sorry?” Bartiromo asked incredulously.

Debbie Dingell:I don’t have all the facts. I think a lot of people were looking for facts, didn’t know what the Biden computer was. I still don’t know. I think this Trump trial happened after. I don’t know all the facts related to this. I read lots of stuff.

Maria Bartiromo: I know that the DOJ used the laptop as evidence in the gun trial against Hunter Biden. They obviously looked at the laptop. They said that it is real, and we knew that it was real at the time, but 51 intelligence officials said it wasn’t. They lied.

Debbie Dingell: I don’t have the letter in front of me. Look, nobody’s above the law. I want to make that really Nobody. The rule of law needs to work in this country. We’ve seen it twice now in the last month, people have been convicted. I want to know that the rule of law works. Nobody. I don’t care if the Republican or a Democrat or who they are, wherever. The rule of law is a very important fact in our country. I totally agree with you. I totally agree.

Bartiromo also destroyed Dingell when it comes to Biden’s broken border and her vote on H.R.2  to secure the border.

Maria Bartiromo: Did you vote against HR2?

Debbie Dingell: I don’t remember.

Maria Bartiromo: You don’t remember if you voted against HR2?

Debbie Dingell: I can’t. It was under Donald Trump, and I can’t remember what I voted on back then, so I should have looked before today. That’s an important bill.

Maria Bartiromo: It was an important bill, HR2. You don’t remember how you voted?

Debbie Dingell: Maria, it’s early morning and it was-

Maria Bartiromo: It’s ten to eight am in the morning, Congresswoman.


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