‘Stand Up Against White Supremacy’: Biden Gives Race-Baiting Speech at Historic Black College


President Joe Biden on Saturday delivered a divisive, race-baiting commencement speech at the graduation ceremony for Howard University, the Historical Black College and Universities (HBCU) member that is the alma mater of Vice President Kamala Harris.

While at the college, Joe Biden, the white President of the United States, decried ‘white supremacy’ as purportedly the greatest terrorism threat to America.

“Stand up against the poison of white supremacy,” Biden said. “As I did in my inaugural address throughout a single hour, as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy. And I’m not saying this because I’m at a black HBCU. I say it wherever I go.”

President Biden is making the ultimate fact-free statement that “white supremacy” is the greatest terrorist threat to the United States. Biden is doing so with the intent of hiding his own racist past, while dividing Americans for political gain.

More specifically, Biden is holding up an omnipresent ‘bogeyman’ to unite “People of Color” through fear and demonization of the other, while reinforcing their victimhood and dependent status on the Democratic Party.

Merriam-Webster (a notoriously ‘Woke’ dictionary) defines “white supremacy” as follows: “The ideology which holds that the white race is superior to all others; the prejudice that members of the white race are superior to members of other races.”

If you examine the history of terrorist attacks against the United States, the stated ideologies or objectives of terrorists, in nearly all cases, have nothing to do with implementing or enforcing white dominance over other races.

As the START database from the University of Maryland shows, the overwhelming number of deaths from terrorism from the 1970s until 2016 (when Donald Trump took office) was categorized as “religious” (and primarily, Islamic extremist).

According to the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), there has been an increasing number of domestic terrorism “attacks and plots” without a corresponding increase in fatalities.

One example the CSIS cited as a “white supremacist” killer was Robert Aaron Long, who committed a string of spa killings in Atlanta, which killed eight people, and four of them Asian women. The diversity of the victims, and the killer’s own stated motive as related to “sex addiction,” rules out the motive as “white supremacist.”

This is but one example of the categorical stretching that analysts have been performing in order to pump up “White supremacist” and “far right terrorism” cases.

Former FBI agent, Kyle Seraphin, has come forward as a whistleblower accusing the bureau of running entrapment operations that inflate the appearance of the “white supremacist” and “far right terrorism” threat. According to Seraphin, the investigations targeting suspected White supremacists and right-wing extremists are predominantly characterized by entrapment tactics.

Seraphin, who served as an FBI agent for six years and had worked in various field offices within the counterterrorism division, had been actively involved in conducting investigations related to domestic extremism and plots involving White supremacist individuals.

“My team was deployed to 20 or 25 different high-profile, national terrorism organization or terrorism investigations between 2018 and 2021. And what I saw, as the most obvious statement, is that there are three things about counterterrorism investigations:

“No. 1, the demand for White supremacy vastly outstrips the supply of White supremacy. No. 2, the FBI’s playbook when it comes to counterterrorism investigations is always and unequivocally morally equivalent to entrapment, even if there’s a legal definition that allows them to skirt that.” Seraphin said.

Entrapment is illegal and involves manipulating or inciting subjects to commit crimes.

The Washington Times reported that there have been other rank-and-file FBI agents to come forward to accuse the Biden administration of exaggerating the threat posed by White supremacists and pressuring agents to fabricate domestic terrorist cases involving racist extremists.

Whistleblowers within the bureau have alleged that certain FBI bosses encourage case agents to initiate counterterrorism investigations, artificially inflating the number of terrorism cases. This practice is said to assist the special agent in charge (SAC) who oversees the field office in achieving favorable job performance evaluations.

According to a former FBI employee based in Buffalo, New York, FBI bosses in Washington place a strong emphasis on case volume when evaluating the performance of SACs. As a result, some office supervisors resort to inflating the case numbers to meet the imposed metrics.

“The SAC’s performance is like a report card for him. It determines whether he gets promoted to a better position in Washington after his two-year term,” explained the former employee, shedding light on the underlying motivations that drive the focus on metrics.

President Biden is thus pointing to highly questionable if not phony metrics to make the case that “white supremacism” is the greatest terrorism threat to the United States. This is yet another case where fraudulent data is being presented to the American people in order to further the radical left’s agenda.


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