
WATCH: James O’Keefe Goes Undercover, Infiltrates Secret ‘Humanitarian’ No Mas Muertes Compound


James O’Keefe and his media group, OMG (O’Keefe Media Group), does it again!

This time James goes undercover, posing as a surveyor along with an undercover illegal immigrant.

Both of them infiltrate the secret, No Mas Muertes compound (No More Deaths) in Aravaca, Arizona.

It’s supposedly a humanitarian nonprofit group.

Then their hidden cameras captured Mexican men POINTING GUNS at James’ sidekick, requesting $300 cash to traffic him to Phoenix.

Do humanitarian group workers usually carry guns and demand cash to be trafficked?

Gateway Pundit reports:

O’Keefe investigated the No Mas Muertes compound at 36455 S Papalote Wash Rd in Arivaca, Arizona.

According to the No Mas Muertes webpage, the group is “dedicated to stepping up efforts to stop the deaths of migrants in the desert,” and volunteers aid and abet illegal immigration by providing water, food, socks, blankets, and other supplies to illegals.

Additionally, “Volunteers research, document, and expose patterns of abuse against people crossing the border at the hands of Border Patrol and other government agencies,” states the webpage.

No Mas Muertes has been raided by Border Patrol agents for their illegal activities multiple times in the past.

The Intercept adds:

For the second time in two years, Border Patrol launched a raid against No More Deaths within days of the group releasing embarrassing information about the agency.

Camouflaged U.S. Border Patrol agents in armored vehicles launched a nighttime raid on a humanitarian aid camp in southern Arizona on Friday. Agents zip-tied volunteers’ hands behind their backs, shouted at them with rifles raised, and confiscated their cellphones, as well as the organization’s medical records. At least two helicopters hovered above the camp and a film crew documented the operation on the ground. Agents moved through camp structures and arrested more than 30 undocumented immigrants who were receiving treatment after trekking through the desert in the middle of heat wave.

The humanitarian group, No More Deaths, a faith-based organization out of Tucson, believes the operation was likely part retaliation, part violent publicity stunt. The raid marked the second time in two years that the Border Patrol descended on one of No More Deaths’ aid stations immediately after the group published materials that cast a negative light on the border enforcement agency.

On Wednesday, the group shared documents regarding a remarkably similar raid on the same camp three years ago, which showed the Border Patrol’s national union clamoring for a crackdown on No More Deaths. On Thursday, less than 24 hours after the documents were posted online, Border Patrol entered the camp without a warrant and took an undocumented woman into custody. The agency then surrounded the location and set up a checkpoint to detain and search volunteers as they came and went. The camp remained surrounded until Friday’s raid.

Watch full video:


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