WATCH: President Trump Makes Special Christmas Promise!


It’s pretty hard to separate Christmas from Christianity, yet here we are.

The holidays now bear little resemblance to the traditions of old or the original spirit of the holidays themselves. Even the name ‘holiday’ has been transformed to mask the true intent of the holy days.

Originally meant as religious observances, our modern holidays have been turned into shopping sprees, visual light festivals, and now cheap displays of inclusivity.

The fact that this even has to be said is ridiculous, but Christmas is a Christian holiday, it is all about the Birth of Jesus Christ. It is not about Xbox, ornamentation, and gift cards, but this is what it has been turned into for the vast majority.

It’s how Christmas is marketed now: as a secular shopping holiday, seldom do we hear about Jesus during the Christmas season. The star of the Christmas season has become Santa Claus, with Jesus taking a back seat.

Well, the 45th President made a special Christmas promise this holiday season to put an end to the war on Christians, and Christmas, while reminding the audience that Biden doesn’t think about Jesus at all.

President Trump promised the crowd in Waterloo Iowa: “As soon as I get back in the Oval Office, I’ll also immediately end the war on Christians.”

“When Joe Biden lit the national Christmas tree earlier this month he completely failed to even mention the birth of Jesus Christ,” President Trump reminded the audience.

The Hill noted this funny detail of the on-stage Christmas decor at the Waterloo, Iowa rally:

At least two different kinds of Christmas wrapping paper covered gifts onstage in Waterloo, Iowa.

Both versions had patterns featuring Trump’s mug shot prominently.

The mug shot on the wrapping was edited to include a Santa Claus hat on the former president’s head.

The former President opened up his speech in Waterloo, on a stage decorated by Christmas trees, by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

In a related story, Daily Mail drew attention to the online mockery of Jill Biden’s White House Christmas decor:

The comments under Dr. Biden’s official X account were not kind.

Right-wing blogger Ian Miles Cheong said that Dr. Biden’s 2023 efforts were gave off a ‘Hunger games aesthetic.’

Anti-vax activist Alex Rosen chimed in saying: ‘The second hand embarrassment is off the charts.’


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