
Lara Trump Tears Apart Nikki Haley As She Guns For RNC Co-Chair


Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law to President Trump, is running for Co-Chair of the RNC and has given some strong remarks in South Carolina today.

During interviews, Lara Trump was critical of Nikki Haley’s decision not to drop out of the race that President Trump had won.

The folks at Fox News share more on that:

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of former President Trump and candidate for Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair, went off on presidential candidate Nikki Haley, blasting her vow to remain in the race no matter the outcome of Saturday’s South Carolina primary.

In an interview with Fox News Digital at a campaign stop in North Charleston on Wednesday, Trump said Haley’s stubbornness “doesn’t make a lot of sense,” and that donors were the ones “obviously keeping her campaign alive.”

Trump’s comments come just days after she received criticism from Haley for saying “every single penny” of RNC funds should go toward former President Trump’s re-election. “We don’t anoint kings in America,” Haley said.

“At a certain point, you have to ask yourself when it’s obvious that Nikki Haley will not be the Republican nominee — there really is no path to that for her at this point — then why stay in a race? Why fight against the Republican nominee, the person who is leading the party?” Trump told Fox.

She suggested the only plausible explanation was that Haley is banking on former President Trump’s legal woes hindering his presidential run, something she said would be the “least Democratic, least American thing” that could ultimately happen.

“I will say that any person who is not standing up and fighting back in the face of that, calling it out for exactly what it is — election interference — should not be running for President of the United States,” Trump said.

Lara Trump is saying what we all think.

Nikki Haley has done nothing but continue to drain the RNC funds that should be going toward President Trump’s beating Biden.

Nikki Haley cannot win the election unless something terrible happens to President Trump.

And that is what I think Nikki Haley is hoping happens.

As Lara Trump said, Nikki Haley is simply tagging along in the GOP primary because she is secretly hoping that President Trump is forced out of the election due to legal troubles.

USA Today shares more about the RNC and donors helping President Trump with his legal fees:

Prospective Republican National Committee official Lara Trump says the party should use its money to help father-in-law Donald Trump become president – possibly including help with his massive legal bills.

“I can assure you that my loyalty is to my father-in-law and I will make sure that every penny is used properly,” Lara Trump told supporters Wednesday during a campaign swing through South Carolina.

Trump, who faces the prospect of four criminal trials this campaign year, has also had more than a half-a-billion dollars in civil judgements against him over the past month.

“They see the attacks against him,” Lara Trump told South Carolina supporters. “They feel like it’s an attack not just on Donald Trump but on this country … So yeah I think that is a big interest to people, absolutely.”

The RNC should help President Trump with his legal issues.

What is happening to President Trump is not because he has done wrong.

It is a targeted attack by Democrats hoping to prevent President Trump from running in the 2024 election.


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