President Trump: “There Is No Conspiracy…We Have All The Evidence!”


How many times does President Trump need to tell us he has all the proof of the stolen Election in 2020?

And also that he CHOSE to not pursue it because he knew it would tear apart the country.

Very wise.

t’s what has now come to be known as “The Pause”.

The period of time from 2020 until now, where the Election was ALLOWED to be stolen for two main reasons: (1) to avoid a Civil War at a time when it would have ripped this country apart, and (2) to redpill millions more people to show them just how quickly things can get very, very bad.

Both objectives have now been achieved.

And now President Trump is telling us as clearly as he can that it was all planned….

He’s saying it in every Rally he holds.

Here’s the latest:

President Trump hints that he walked away after the stolen 2020 election to avoid a civil war:

“There’s no conspiracy… We have all the evidence. We have all the proof… And you know, it’s okay in a certain way… you rip the country apart when you get into that stuff.”

Listen to the man! The people had to see it. If Trump had tried to present the evidence in late 2020/early 2021, it likely would have sparked a civil war. Now when it’s presented in 2024 after Americans have watched Joe Biden destroy our country for 3 years, the people will be ready for it – and we’re probably gonna watch them try to steal it again, unsuccessfully.

Watch here:

Want more?

Here’s what he told us JUST YESTERDAY!

Sound familiar?

He keeps saying it as clearly and as plainly as he can….

Listen up!

Trump: “I Won Plenty of Other States Too That People Don’t Quite Know About”

Time for an update to my “You are watching a movie” Master List!

I know how much people enjoy these based on all your emails and comments, and I love them too.

Because quite frankly, they are fascinating!

We now have SO MANY clips from President Trump saying that he won the 2020 election and implying that he has all the evidence, that it’s really impossible to ignore at this point.

I’ll give you the full list down below and I think it will blow your mind how many there are, but let’s start off with the latest….

Here he is from Iowa today:

“I won plenty of other states too, that people don’t [Q]uite know about”

There he goes again… Is everyone picking up on it yet?

Trump knows what happened in 2020. He knows.. And the whole world is going to find out.

He told us it’s time. Things are going to get real spicy frens.

-Some of the most complex military operations this country has ever seen.

Followed by this one, also from Iowa today:

“A lot of people say You are (President), You are (President). That’s sort of cute. A lot of people don’t understand what you mean by that” —President Trump

One more here from a few weeks ago:

“We are going to find out what happened then.”

Trump is confirming the psyop. Bet me and lose.

It was a cover while the legal process and global ops took place, while weoponizing the people. Ascension.

45,46, and 47. The PAUSE.

You are watching the systematic destruction of the old guard being made to look like incompetence and tyranny at the hands of “Joe Biden.” Leader of a crime family.

Spoiler alert. Joe sleeps with “No Name”

Ok, now the full list…..

This is going to get really fun if you keep going with me:

Are We All Watching A Movie? “Central Casting”

I’ve written a lot about whether we are watching “Central Casting” play out on the world stage.

For those who don’t know what that means, Central Casting is a real company that does exactly what the name suggests: they cast people in movies and TV shows.

President Trump references them a lot (I have the clips for you farther below in this article) but the bigger question is whether what you see is not all totally as it seems….

And the people who SEEM like they’re in charge right now might not really have much power.

If any of that seems far-fetched, keep reading and I bet by the end of this article you might be amazed at what you missed — hiding in plain sight!

Now to the video you have to see….

There are a ton of videos below in this article, but the first one I’m going to post below really sums things up so well, and in under 2 minutes.

I came across this while covering the story below and I thought it was so good I had to share it with you separately:

BOMBSHELL: President Trump To Present CLASSIFIED Information Of Election Interference At J6 Indictment Trial

So here you go….

Watch this video and see if it doesn’t open up your mind a bit:

Ok, now let’s go deeper….

If that has caught your attention, now I’m going to blow your mind wide open:

President Trump Still Using The Presidential Seal?

President Trump: “We are not going to let them rig the election of 2024!”


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