Did Juanita Broaddrick Just Confirm Bill Clinton Is NOT Chelsea’s Father?

Luke…..I am your father!
And Chelsea, Bill is NOT your fatherrrrrrr — at least that is, according to Juanita Broaddrick.
More on that in a minute, but first I can’t gloss over a really interesting Mandella Effect story….
Do you know the Mandella Effect?
It’s this very strange phenomenon where most of the population all remembers something one way, and it turns out it did not happen that way.
It’s named after Nelson Mandella who millions of people remember dying in prison, but that never actually happened.
Mass psychosis?
It’s so fascinating, one day I am going to do a full article on it.
But the famous line from Star Wars where Darth Vader says to Luke: “Luke — I am your father” never actually happened!
He says, “No, I am your father.”
Watch for yourself:
Crazy, right?
Ok, now back to our story.
Speaking of fathers, Juanity Broaddrick just posted this:
After Bill Clinton viciously raped me – he said,
“Don’t worry, I’m sterile due to mumps when I was a boy.”
Then he told me, “You’d better put some ice on that,” pointing to my swollen and bleeding lip.
There are good men…….
and then there’s Bill Clinton.— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 4, 2024
After Bill Clinton viciously raped me – he said,
“Don’t worry, I’m sterile due to mumps when I was a boy.”
Then he told me, “You’d better put some ice on that,” pointing to my swollen and bleeding lip.
There are good men…….
and then there’s Bill Clinton.
At first it didn’t jump out to me right away….
But then I read it again and it was like a giant lightbulb going off over my head.
If what she says is true, then Bill Clinton is not Chelsea’s father.
He couldn’t be.
Juanita herself followed that first Tweet up with a second one confirming the implication we all drew from the first Tweet:
TRUE ✅ https://t.co/NcYcjgiS9M
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 5, 2024
I’m not here to judge whether or not what she said is true, I’m just reporting that the verified Twitter account for Juanita Broaddrick, with over 1 Million Followers, just posted that Bill Clinton has been sterile since he was a child.
If that’s true, then that would make THIS story below make a lot of sense, wouldn’t it?